Technical Seo

Technical Seo

What is Technical Seo?

Technical seo (search engine optimization) refers to the tactics involved in creating and optimizing a website so that search engines can readily crawl, index, and render it. Technical SEO is just one piece of the whole SEO puzzle. 

Most marketers and business owners leverage technical SEO to better their website's chances to rank well in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Technical SEO is a subcategory of SEO that involves optimizing the infrastructure of your website so it can be easily crawled and indexed by search engines. It deals with the technical components of your website — such as the sitemaps, page speed, URL structure, schema, site navigation, and more.

Having a technically optimized website is essential if you want to attract organic traffic from search engines, because site design and content are rendered useless if users can’t access or navigate your site.

Learning Technical SEO

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We manage the full technology lifecycle

Crawling, rendering, and indexing

We manage the full technology lifecycle

Page speed 

We manage the full technology lifecycle

User-friendly sites 

We manage the full technology lifecycle

Thin/duplicate content 

We manage the full technology lifecycle

Canonical tags 

We manage the full technology lifecycle

Hreflang tags

We manage the full technology lifecycle

Why Is Technical SEO Important? 

You could be making the world’s most engaging, thoughtful content on your website — the kind of content that immediately converts casual users into customers. But, if search engines can’t properly browse your website and index it, your efforts will be wasted. That’s why technical SEO is important. 

Think of it like trying to sell a house. You could have an interior (content) worthy of “Architectural Digest,” but if your siding is falling off (bad programming) or your house is full of wiring that leads to nowhere (broken links), your house isn’t going to pass inspection (Googlebots), and it’s doubtful that it will sell (rank well enough for users to find). 

To see how your existing site is performing in the technical SEO realm, you’ll want to do a comprehensive technical SEO audit. 

Technical Seo

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Technical Seo Checklist

  1. Use SSL
  2. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly.
  3. Speed your site up.
  4. Fix duplicate content issues.
  5. Create an XML sitemap.
  6. Consider enabling AMP.
  7. Add structured data markup to your website.
  8. Register your site with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Technical SEO tools

Google Search Console

Google Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service from Google that helps you monitor and troubleshoot your website’s appearance in their search results. Use it to find and fix technical errors, submit sitemaps, see structured data issues, and more.

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test checks how easily a visitor can use your page on a mobile device. It also identifies specific mobile-usability issues like text that’s too small to read, the use of incompatible plugins, and so on.

The mobile-friendly test shows what Google sees when they crawl the page. You can also use the Rich Results Test to see the content Google sees for desktop or mobile devices.

Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is Chrome’s built-in web page debugging tool. Use it to debug page speed issues, improve web page rendering performance, and more.

Ahrefs Toolbar

Ahrefs SEO Toolbar is a free extension for Chrome and Firefox that provides useful SEO data about the pages and websites you visit.

Its free features are:

  • On-page SEO report
  • Redirect tracer with HTTP Headers
  • Broken link checker
  • Link highlighter
  • SERP positions

In addition, as an Ahrefs user, you get:

  • SEO metrics for every site and page you visit, and for Google search results
  • Keyword metrics, such as search volume and keyword difficulty, directly in SERP
  • SERP results export

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights analyzes the loading speed of your web pages. Alongside the performance score, it also shows actionable recommendations to make pages load faster.

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